Health Care
Feb 14, 2019
Online Auction
By Appointment Only
Terrance Jacobs
(905) 660-1367 EXT: 225
(3) Operatories, Pan X-Ray, Sterilization and Lab Area
Complete catalog now posted! To register and bid for this sale, please click here.
For dismantling services please contact:
Dental Fix Rx
Bob Pabelick
T (800) 586-0340
C (414) 531-8307
For Pick-Up and Shipping please contact:
Schroeder Moving and Storage 262-784-1717
Operatories include:
Pelton & Crane dental chair, model SP15
Pelton & Crane chair, model SP30
Pelton & Crane X-Ray viewer
Pelton & Crane overhead light
Zeiss Opmi Pico microscope
Densply Cavatron Jet SPS dental ultrasonic scaler and air polishing system
L & R Quantrex cleaning system
DUX X-Ray viewer
Root ZX dental apex locator
Cadco Alginator II
Kavo Diagnodent
Dr Quick Look intraoral camera tablet combination
Aseptica implant motor, model AEU-6000
Pelton & Crane amalgamator, model SM
ESPE Pentamixx 2 mixing unit
Dentsply Tulsa dental
L & R Quantrex cleaning system
Dental funiture and related
Gendex intraoral X-Ray unit, model GX-770
Sapphire Lumineers
Cerinate dental teeth curing whitening system
Criticare SPO2/comfortcuff system
Large assortment of hand pieces and tools. Instruments and trays, supplies, etc..
Operatory Cabinetry & Office furniture
X-Ray systems includes:
Gendex Orthoralix Panoramic X Ray, model 8500
(2) Midmark Progeny Preva Intraoral X-Ray unit
Sterilization and lab area includes:
Midmark automatic sterilizer, model MII Ultraclave
Toothmaster grinding wheel
Baldor pedestal grinder
Compressor room includes:
Air Techniques AirStar 50 Air Compressor
Ramvac Dental vac system w/ Rebec unit
For further information, please contact our office.
Dental Office
2075 S 81st St, West Allis, Wisconsin, United States