BULK LOT (CONSISTING OF LOTS 5A and 5B) Travaglini horizontal drying rooms for cured food products, etc. contained in a modular insulated enclosure, approx. exterior dimensions 28-1/2' wide x 40' long x 8-1/2' high, c/w: air handling units, humidification, cooling and heating systems, air duct systems, controllers, power and control cabinets, etc., including: (1) model WXJ010 system, w/ approx. room interior 9' wide x 38' long x 8' high, S/N: 0515001101, (2015) (1) model WAS800 system, w/ approx. room interior 18' wide x 38' long x 8' high, S/N: 0513001301, (2013) (WINNER WILL BE DETERMINED BASED ON SUM OF BIDS ON LOTS 5A and 5B VS BID ON BULK LOT 5 - SUBJECT TO CONFIRMATION)
Food Processing & Packaging
Jan 16, 2020
Feb 07, 2020
Timed Online Auction
Terrance Jacobs
(905) 660-1367
Aurora, Ontario