Bite Beauty Auction - Cosmetic Manufacturing Facility of Lipstick, Balm, Mask, and Gloss - Online Auction
TCL Asset Group Inc. will be offering for sale assets of the Bite Beauty Canadian manufacturing operations. This state-of-the-art cosmetic manufacturing and packaging facility was specializing in lipsticks, balms, masks, crayons and gloss products. The facility is located in Toronto, Ontario. Major assets include: Production Equipment - (2) Citus Kalix Lip Stick Molding Machine with Silicon Molds; Packaging Equipment - (2017) Kalix Automatic Cartoner, model KP600; Compounding Department - (4) Citus Kettles; (3) Exakt Triple Mills, model 80. For further information, please visit our website under Auctions & Liquidations sale. Pharma, Cosmetics, Food and Mining industries are the areas we are in this month! Give us a call.